Thursday, January 21, 2010

My opinion on PEACE and violence

Peace-A state of mutual harmony between people. That's the definition of peace. I think that we don't see peace enough in this world. In order to have peace, we can't have violence, or war. I think that this would be a good topic to cover in class because it seems like people forget what peace is. All we ever see on the news is war. People dying, people killing. When is the last time you put the t.v. on and didn't see something about war or violence? I thought of writing this blog on peace because In my opinion, we never really see enough peace. Could you even Imagine world peace? Do you think it will ever be possible to achieve it? In my mind we never will because the world has to stop fighting, and in order to stop fighting, we need to come together. Honestly, I don't think that's possible.

Here is a song about peace. It was originally by John Lennon. This version is by A Perfect Circle.

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